Advertisements on the Pavements - Licence directory


You need to have a licence to put 'A' boards and a display of goods on the public pavement. This is to make sure that they are properly set up and do not cause a problem for the public using the pavement.

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Advertising boards - Voluntary Code

Businesses across the borough legitimately use Advertising Boards, or 'A-Boards', to promote their businesses and attract customers. We wish to work with, promote and sustain the economic vitality of Southend's business community, and therefore a Voluntary Code of Compliance for A-Boards is in place.

All businesses are encouraged to sign up to The Voluntary Code which ensures that an A-Board is:

  • appropriately positioned against the premise's wall
  • not causing an obstruction to the pavement or highway
  • not causing a traffic hazard - by reducing visibility at junctions, or being placed inappropriately on grass verges, roundabouts or central reservations for example.
  • providing a minimum of 2 metres clearance on the public footpath

Any A-Board placed on public land must be covered by Public Liability Insurance for at least £2,000,000. Any liability arising from an accident involving an A-Board remains firmly with the owner of the A-Board.

Controlling the placement of A-boards is important so that they don't cause obstructions to pedestrians. We have a responsibility to ensure public safety as well as uninterrupted passage along the highway, so the Voluntary Code has been developed to allow us and the local business community to work together to ensure that this obligation is met.

If an A-board is incorrectly placed on the highway without regard to the Voluntary Code, action will be taken in line with the enforcement policy which includes removal of the A-board.

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