If you are 18 or over and have a physical or sensory (sight or hearing) disability or long-term illness, we can provide support and advice to help you. We can also provide support to your family or carer.
We have specialist teams to support disabled children and young people.
Services include:
- specialist equipment
- home adaptations
- day and residential services
- home care
- disabled parking badges
- advice about support organisations and services for carers
- you will need to have an assessment to see if you qualify to receive services from social care
- you can ask for help by either calling us on 01702 215008 option 1 or by completing a self assessment online
- for information about how you will receive your money, please see our Social Care - paying for your care page
- for further advice and support, please go to the Livewell website
- you might be eligible for free care funded by the NHS. To find out you will need to have an assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare