Trading Standards

Scams and fraud

Scams are schemes to con you out of your money. They can arrive by post, phone call, text message or email, or from someone coming to your home.

It's very distressing to be caught out by a scam. But it's important to report it to try and stop the scammer striking again.

If you've lost money because of a scam report it to Action Fraud the national fraud reporting centre.

You can report the scam online or by phone.

You'll need to provide as much information as possible, for example:

  • any names or other information about the scammer
  • dates
  • details about how the money has been lost
  • how you were threatened

Action Fraud

Telephone: 0300 123 2040

Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm

If you've been threatened with physical violence on your doorstep, you can report this to the police by calling 101

If you report a scam to Trading Standards (via Citizens Advice), you're giving them vital information which they can use to help stop other people from becoming victims of the same scam.

Some scams are criminal offences under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. This means that Trading Standards may be able to take criminal action against the scammers.

Contact Licences, Permissions & Trading Standards

Telephone: 01702 215005

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