Council Tax discounts

Long term empty properties

All properties that have been vacant (unfurnished and not the main residence of an individual) for a continuous period of one year, but less than five years (period of less than six-weeks are disregarded for this purpose) will be subject to a 100% premium charge for the billing year commencing 1 April 2024. This is a change from 2023/24 where previously a 100% premium was applied to properties that had been vacant for a continuous period of two years (and less than five years).

All properties that have been vacant (unfurnished and not the main residence of an individual) for a continuous period of five years, but less than ten years (period of less than six-weeks are disregarded for this purpose) will be subject to a 200% premium charge for the billing year commencing 1 April 2024.

All properties that have been vacant (unfurnished and not the main residence of an individual) for a continuous period of ten years (period of less than six-weeks are disregarded for this purpose) will continue be subject to a 300% premium charge for the billing year commencing 1 April 2024.

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