
Securing Sufficient Childcare in Southend-on-Sea

The CSA is a local detailed study into the supply and need for childcare within Southend. It is a vital tool to share information with the:

  • public
  • elected members
  • the childcare market itself

CSA is a statutory duty.

Councils are required to secure enough childcare, so far as is reasonably possible:

  • for working parents
  • parents who are studying
  • training for employment
  • for children aged 0 to 14 (or up to 18 for disabled children)

This means parents are able to work because childcare places are:

  • available
  • accessible
  • affordable

and are delivered flexibly in a range of high quality settings.

Registered providers are asked to supply sufficiency information on a termly basis. This is then used to make sure there are enough places offered to meet demand.

Before you become a childminder or open a new setting, it is down to you to research childcare need in your area. You will need to make sure that your business will be:

  • viable
  • sustainable
  • meeting the needs of your local area

We would always recommend that you carry out your own market research as well as using this data as we do ask for children on roll and their current capacity as a general.

Existing settings should use the sufficiency data if they are looking to grow or apply for capital funding.

The Sufficiency Report provides an overview of the availability and quality of childcare by ward. It is available for use by anyone looking to possibly set up a new early years and childcare provision. You can request a copy of the latest report by emailing

Useful websites - childcare

Online forms - Childcare

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