Temporary extension to construction hours

Applications for a Temporary Extension to Construction Hours (Parliamentary Written Statement HCWS234)

Due to the delays on construction imposed because of the COVID19 lockdown the Government has stated that where there are restrictive hours on planning permissions developers can apply for a temporary extension to the permitted hours .

Because of this extension there is also more potential to cause disturbance to residents particularly where they have also ready been exposed to noise as a result of having to stay at home. While we are keen to support development the Government and Southend-on-Sea City Council also want to ensure that residents are protected from the noise and disruption that construction can cause.

You may already have a construction management plan in place. However this may need to be amended because of working outside of normal hours. Therefore when applying for an extension for hours of work you should be able to demonstrate the following in order to carry out your work with the minimum of disturbance to other people:

  • you will need to be aware of the existing background noise levels and the potential impact on it. You need to be able to show that you have used the ‘best practicable means’ to prevent an impact of noise on the amenity of sensitive receptors in the proximity of the works. Information on how you can operate whilst demonstrating this can be found in BS5228:Part1. This will include:
    • restricting noisy activities to normal hours where possible
    • using silenced equipment, barriers and enclosures
    • plans for the loading and unloading of materials
    • locating noisy works away from the site boundary
    • good communication with residents about what you are doing and how long it will last. This should involve letter drops to residents and providing an on-site contact
    • awareness that that children will be going to bed during these hours so please try and address any resident’s concerns they may have with this
    • providing Southend-on-Sea City Council with on-site contacts so we can quickly resolve any complaints we receive
    • Toolbox talks to brief staff about their responsibilities to minimise noise and on how to address residents’ concerns.
  • please do not have bonfires on site and ensure that waste materials are stored sensibly and removed from site by licensed waste contractors in accordance with your site waste plans
  • prepare a Dust Management Plan. It should be in compliance with Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction - Institute of Air Quality Management or an acceptable equivalent
  • because of the hours site lighting may be required at times. Please ensure that this located, shielded or angled in a manner that does not impact on residents

For further information please see the “London Good Practice Guide: Noise and Vibration Control for Demolition and Construction” by The London Authorities Noise Action Forum, CIEH, Arup and AECOM.

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