Local Account of Adult Social Care 2017-18
Every year we produce a ‘Local Account’ to inform people living in the City about the achievements, challenges and priorities for adult social care and the impact these have on people’s lives. It explains how much we spend, what we spend money on, what we are doing and our future plans, including any improvements.
We hope you enjoy reading our Local Account for 2017/2018. We would welcome your feedback, which will help us to continuously improve the information we provide in the Local Account. You can provide feedback by contacting the Department for People on Tel: 01702 215008 or e-mail. You can also use these contact details to request a copy in an alternate format, such as audio, large print or a translated version.
Download the Local Account 2017-18
Further information is available on the following links:
Chief social worker for adults annual report 18/19 - Discusses the transformation programme, Moderate Needs Multidisciplinary Teams and Community Hubs in Southend. The work on robotics is highlighted in the video about Pepper and Jacob.
The South Essex Locality Strategy highlights the progress of the work on bringing social care and health care together in South Essex to benefit individuals and communities.
Southend City Council has been identified as the second best council in regards of spending money on social care and the outcomes achieved per person.
Complaints Local Government Ombudsman. 7 complaints received in 2017/19 of which 0% were upheld.
CQC data prepared for system reviews including Southend. Ratings of adult social care providers, data on local health services accessibility and performance.
Wider determinants of health in relation to Southend to understand how for example transport and neighbourhood design might differ between local authorities and potential impact on health.
LGA data - search by Post Code for various data related to health and social care ie delayed discharges, number of households to be able to compare local performance and context.
Skills for care - social care workforce data ie. recruitment and retention, pay which can help workforce planning and understand the local market.