LGA Corporate Peer Challenge – progress review (feedback)

Progress - Place based working

Recommendations 2.4, 2.8 and 2.9

The CPC recommended that the council should re-engage partners on the agreed shared outcomes for the City and establish how the council will work in partnership to deliver these. It also recommended that the council should strengthen their voice and influence in the wider regional agenda.

During the progress review, we heard how the council has worked collaboratively as part of South Essex Councils (formally known as ASELA), to agree a vision for Greater Essex. Together, the councils in this region have submitted an expression of interest to Government for devolved powers and funding (level 2 deal).

The position statement also details examples of other established partnerships across the health and social care sector, businesses, voluntary sector and community safety. This includes the work being undertake through the Southeast Essex Integrated Care System.

During the progress review, the peers heard how the council is committed to restimulating strategic partnership working and resetting the vision and plan for the city. We heard that the interim Chief Executive has been leading discussions on this. Peers would encourage the new permanent Chief Executive (once in post) and political leadership to continue this work. Partners who met with the peer team are eager for this to happen and remain ready and willing to work with the council.

Another recommendation made as part of the original CPC was the need to develop a consistent plan to address inequalities and disparities across localities and neighbourhoods in Southend-on-Sea City. Peers heard that several projects are underway to support this recommendation and better understand the issues e.g., Tackling Poverty strategy, housing related schemes, community safety initiatives and health inequalities work. Peers understand that a policy discussion paper is being developed to bring detailed data and activity together and agree next steps. The RAG rated action plan acknowledges that more work needs to be done to progress this recommendation including proposals to develop an Economic Growth Strategy and Neighbourhood Plans. This work should continue.

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