A local pupil with an interest in road signs has seen his creativity come to life with the installation of two ‘slow down’ signs near St Christopher’s School.

Edward, a year 9 pupil at the school has always been interested in road signs and he has now seen his design produced and installed in Mountdale Gardens. This came after the school contacted highways via the council's SENDIAS Service and asked if he could design a sign.
Chris Read, the council's highways manager, says: "I felt moved to achieve something for Edward. It was also good timing as we had recently undertaken a trial around the school by getting the original flashing speed signs fitted with solar power.
"We thought it was an ideal place to put up an additional sign and reinforce the safety message to slow down around the school and that a personal message from a child at the school would help further.
"Edward designed the artwork which was kindly produced and installed free of charge by our contractors, Marlborough Highways as part of their social value programme."
The highways team will be returning to the road as soon as possible to carry out some further speed testing.
Cllr Daniel Cowan, leader of the council, says: "It is great to see officers and council teams working with young people and schools like this and I applaud Edward for his efforts and great design.
"We have also installed two more speed warning sites in White House Road and Rochford Road and hope to run a similar competition with the local schools in those areas in the future that will enable us to further spread the important road safety message."
Sarah Lobar, teacher at St Christopher's School, says: "We are thrilled to see Ed's sign come to life and thank everyone involved in making his dream a reality. Let's hope it helps make a difference by keeping the roads outside our school safe. Well done Ed!"