Southend-on-Sea City Local Plan

BLP Chapter 2 Conservation and Townscape Policies (prefix C)

Policy C1 - Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites - Saved

Where important archaeological sites and monuments, whether scheduled or not, and their settings are affected by a proposed development, there will be a presumption in favour of their preservation in situ. In situations where there are grounds for believing that the proposed development would affect important archaeological sites and monuments, developers will be required to arrange for an archaeological field evaluation to be carried out before the planning application is determined, thus enabling an informed and reasonable planning decision to be made. In circumstances where preservation is not possible nor merited, development will not be permitted until satisfactory provision has been made for a programme of archaeological investigation and recording prior to the commencement of the development.

Policy C2 - Historic Buildings - Saved

Listed Buildings and buildings on the Local List will be protected from demolition and unsympathetic development. Development proposals will be required to pay special regard to the preservation and restoration of internal and external features which contribute to their character, to the maintenance of their scale and proportions, to the preservation of their setting and to the use of appropriate materials.

Policy C3 - Conversion of Historic Buildings - Saved

Permission may be given in exceptional circumstances for the conversion of Listed Buildings and buildings on the Local List to sympathetic alternative uses only where:

  • this is necessary to ensure the building's preservation or restoration;
  • it has clearly been demonstrated that the original or existing use of the building cannot be retained; and
  • the proposed use and any associated building alterations are sympathetic to its historic or architectural character.

Policy C4 - Conservation Areas - Saved

All buildings, open spaces, gardens, trees, views from public places and other aspects of the environment which contribute to the character of Conservation Areas will be protected and enhanced. Proposals for demolition and development will normally be permitted only where they would not be detrimental to the local scene and the character of the area. All development affecting Conservation Areas should meet the following requirements:

  • the position and design of new buildings should respect the general pattern of the area, and should preserve or enhance as appropriate its townscape character;
  • the mass of extensions and new buildings should be in scale and harmony with the existing and neighbouring buildings and with the area as a whole;
  • the proportions, detailing and materials of extensions, alterations and new buildings should be appropriate to the area and sympathetic to the existing and neighbouring buildings.

All development in Conservation Areas will be expected to comply with the Council's design guidelines in Appendix 2 and in addition, where residential proposals are involved, Appendix 4.

The Council will prepare enhancement schemes for Conservation Areas as resources permit.

Policy Cross References : Appendix 2 Design Guidelines for Conservation Areas and Appendix 4 Design and Layout Guidelines for Housing.

Policy C5 - Leigh Old Town- Saved

Within the Leigh Old Town Conservation Area, in addition to Policy C4 the Council will require the retention of commercial, leisure and residential uses appropriate to its character as a working marine village, and will seek to reduce vehicular access for non-essential traffic. Permission will normally be refused for the loss of marine industrial uses and associated facilities. Development of existing cockle sheds to provide improved processing facilities will be encouraged subject to the design guidelines set out in Appendix 2 being met. The use of existing cockle sheds will be restricted to the processing, storage and sale of fish, shellfish and other marine products traditionally associated with Leigh Old Town. Additional parking facilities will be sought outside the Conservation Area. Policy Cross References : C4 Conservation Areas and Appendix 2 Design Guidelines for Conservation Areas.

Policy C6 - Frontages of Townscape Merit - Saved

Within those frontages identified on the Proposals Map and listed in Appendix 1 as being of townscape merit, development proposals will be required to pay special regard to the preservation and restoration of features which contribute to their character and to the use of sympathetic materials and designs. Policy Cross Reference : Appendix 1 Buildings of Architectural or Historic Interest.

Policy C7 - Shop and Commercial Frontages And Fascias - Saved

Proposals for shop and commercial frontages and fascias will be required to respect the scale and design of the buildings in which they are situated and of neighbouring buildings, and enhance the appearance of the area.

Policy C8 - Advertisements - Saved

Proposals for advertisements will normally be permitted in predominantly commercial areas if they meet the following requirements:

  • they should be well designed and sited;
  • they should respect the character and architectural features of the buildings on which they are displayed;
  • they should not result in a proliferation of advertisements at any one location;
  • they should not be obtrusive in the street scene or harm residential amenity;
  • they should not endanger traffic.

The Council will apply more exacting standards to advertisements affecting Listed Buildings and those within Conservation Areas and non-commercial areas. These will be expected to preserve or enhance as appropriate the character and appearance of the building or area.

Proposals for advertisement hoardings will normally be refused except where they would screen sites in predominantly commercial areas during or prior to their development, when temporary permission may be granted. Where appropriate, they should incorporate landscape and public amenity features.

Proposals for advertisements will be expected to comply with the Council's design guidelines in Appendix 3 and the additional guidelines in respect of Conservation Areas in Appendix 2. The Council will seek to remove existing advertisements which harm public amenity. Policy Cross References : Appendix 2 Design Guidelines for Conservation Areas and Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance.

Policy C9 - Satellite Antennae - Saved

Proposals for satellite antennae will normally be permitted if they meet the following requirements:

  • they should be designed and sited to be unobtrusive in the street scene;
  • where it is proposed to position an antenna on a building, it should respect the character and architectural features of that building;
  • they should not result in a cluttered appearance on an elevation;
  • where it is proposed to locate an antenna in a Conservation Area it should respect the character and appearance of that area.

Antennae will be expected to comply with the Council's design guidelines in Appendix 3 and, in respect of those in Conservation Areas, the additional guidelines of Appendix 2.Policy Cross References : Appendix 2 Design Guidelines for Conservation Areas and Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance.

Policy C10 - Overhead Cables - Not saved

The City Council will seek the co-operation of relevant services in placing visually intrusive overhead supply lines and cables underground, with priority being given to such improvement in Conservation Areas, and to the electricity supply line crossing properties in Eastwood and North Leigh.

Policy C11 - New Buildings, Extensions and Alterations - Saved

New buildings and extensions or alterations to existing buildings should be designed to create a satisfactory relationship with their surroundings in respect of form, scale, massing, height, elevational design and materials. Where appropriate they should contribute to and enhance public pedestrian areas and open spaces. External materials should be sympathetic in colour and texture with neighbouring development. The City Council will also encourage developers to have regard to access and safety aspects when preparing proposals for development (see Policy U5).

In considering the height appropriate for new buildings and their impact on the environment the Council will have regard to:

  • airport safeguarding requirements
  • the prominence of the site and the need for the building to enhance the townscape;
  • the scale of neighbouring development;
  • the evolving skyline of the local street scene;
  • the need to protect residential amenity, important vistas and the character of Conservation Areas, Historic Buildings and Frontages of Townscape Merit;
  • the potential of the development to enhance public pedestrian areas and open spaces.

In appropriate cases the Council will encourage the provision of new works of art as part of development proposals and in considering planning applications will have regard to the contribution made by any such works to the appearance of the scheme and to the amenities of the area.

In considering development proposals for properties in Chalkwell Avenue and the Burges Estate (part), the City Council will also have regard to the detailed design guidance set out in Appendix 3.Policy Cross References : U5 Access and Safety in the Built Environment and Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance

Policy C12 - Undercliff Gardens - Saved

In order to conserve the quality of this area and the generally open undeveloped frontage to Grand Parade with associated estuary views, the City Council will require all development proposals to meet the following objectives, as appropriate:

  • the preservation of existing views of the estuary including the foreshore from Grand Parade and adjoining streets, from Cliff Parade and from Cliff Gardens;
  • the preservation of the generally open and undeveloped frontage to Grand Parade;
  • the preservation of Undercliff Gardens south of the building line as an area free of vehicular traffic and parking;
  • the preservation of existing garden areas as planted and landscaped areas providing views across the estuary;
  • the harmonisation of new buildings, extensions and other works with their surroundings.

In addition, all proposals will be required to comply with Policies C11, H5 and the specific design criteria relating to Undercliff Gardens set out in Appendix 2.Policy Cross Reference : C11 New Buildings, Extensions and Alterations, H5 Residential Design and Layout Considerations and Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance.

Policy C13 - Street Furniture - Saved

The City Council will ensure that the location, design and level of provision of street furniture is appropriate in its setting and avoids a cluttered and unattractive townscape. A high standard of design for street furniture, surface materials and planting will be sought. Improvement schemes will be undertaken where appropriate.

Policy C14 - Trees, Planted Areas and Landscaping - Saved

The City Council will seek to preserve those trees and planting areas which contribute to the townscape of an area and will require additional planting in appropriate locations. Applications for new buildings, open site uses, car parking areas, including hardstandings in front of buildings, and other development will normally be required to respect existing tree and planted areas and, where appropriate, to provide replacement planting. Most development proposals will be required to include planting as an integral part of the scheme in accordance with the guidelines set out in Appendix 3. Proposals for planting should exploit fully the potential of the development to enhance the townscape and be designed to enable adequate future maintenance of the planted areas. Policy Cross Reference : Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance.

Policy C15 - Retention of Open Spaces - Saved

In order to safeguard the important townscape and amenity value provided by established open spaces within the built-up area of the town, the Council will normally refuse planning permission for proposals involving the complete or partial loss of those key open spaces included within the following categories and identified on the Proposals Map:

  • public and private playing fields including school playing fields;
  • open sports arenas and golf courses;
  • public parks and gardens including informal amenity open space and children's playgrounds;
  • graveyards, cemeteries and crematoria.

In addition, the Council will seek to retain all other incidental open spaces including open areas without general public access within the built-up area of the town where their townscape and amenity value is important to the surrounding area and will also normally refuse permission for development on sites proposed in the Plan for open space use. (See also Policies contained in Chapter 7).

Policy C16 - Foreshore Views - Saved

The open character of the seafront and adjoining public and private open spaces, including the cliffs, will be protected and where possible enhanced. Development south of the seafront road (outside the Central Seafront Area) and south of the towpath between Chalkwell and Leigh Old Town will be strictly limited to:

  • the replacement of older seafront kiosks with modern architecturally designed kiosks in character with the surroundings. Where appropriate the Council will support the replacement of two existing kiosks with one new one;
  • the improvement or replacement of existing beach huts, (subject to the design criteria in Appendix 3), buildings and other structures which cater for recreational needs, without increasing their existing floor area of reducing the area of beach available to the public;
  • the provision of additional water recreation facilities in accordance with Policy L4.

Policy Cross References : L4 Water Recreation and Appendix 3 Townscape Policy Guidance.

Policy C17 - A127 Frontage - Saved

In addition to Policy C14, the City Council will normally require a high standard of landscaping, tree planting and building design for development adjacent to the A127, commensurate with the importance of this road as the main access to Southend. Boundary enclosures fronting the highway will normally be restricted to no more than 1 metre in height. A building line of 27 metres from the back edge of highway will be maintained for new buildings and extensions between the City boundary and Oak Wood on the south side, and the City boundary and Oak Wood Park on the north side. Elsewhere, the building line for new buildings and extensions should normally enable high standards of landscaping and tree planting along the A127 frontage.Policy Cross Reference : C14 Trees, Planted Areas and Landscaping.

Policy C18 - Open Sites Used for Commercial Purposes - Saved

Proposals to use open sites for commercial purposes (including vehicle sales - see also Policy S7) should normally meet the following requirements:

  • the proposed uses and the proposed design for ancillary buildings and structures should be compatible with neighbouring properties;
  • all proposals should satisfactorily integrate with and enhance the street scene and should incorporate adequate landscaping and suitable boundary treatments.

Ancillary buildings and structures proposed at existing open sites in commercial use will normally be required to integrate satisfactorily with and enhance the street scene and be compatible with neighbouring properties. Policy Cross Reference : S7 Car Sales and Showrooms.

Policy C19 - Disused Vacant Sites - Not saved

In the interests of local amenity, the City Council will seek the improvement and proper maintenance of all neglected, derelict and other vacant land in the town which is unlikely to be developed in the short term, through the provision of suitable landscaping or other appropriate action.

Policy C20 - Planning Briefs - Not saved

In appropriate cases the Council will prepare planning briefs to guide the preparation of development proposals in accordance with the policies and proposals in the Plan.

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