If there are any emergencies on the roads or pavements that we urgently need to know about, please call us on 01702 215000.
Your report will be marked as 'completed' when an inspection has been completed. This does not mean works have or will be completed at this stage.
We understand that sometimes you would like to know if any action will be undertaken.
Please note:
- Some defects require a ‘quick fix’ and a more permanent repair will have been ordered
- If the defect has been marked up in orange spray paint, a repair has been ordered
- Some defects are referred to utilities, their timescales may be different to ours
- Some issues (such as flooding, street lighting and traffic signals) are sent to other teams within the Council to manage
- We routinely inspect every publicly maintained highway across the City. Busier locations are inspected at a higher frequency
Reporting a defect online will continue to be the most direct way to prompt an inspection. Please continue to use this form to tell us about any non-urgent issues