Commercial waste

Commercial waste directory disclaimer

  1. This is a selection of companies and organisations that Southend-on-Sea City Council is currently aware of. The details in this directory are for info only - we cannot recommend or endorse any particular company. Other companies may be available.
  2. Businesses and individuals should carry out their own research to find a suitable contractor for the work they require. Under the Duty of Care (Environmental Protection Act 1990) regulations there is a responsibility to check that whoever collects waste is licensed to do so and is disposing of it legally. For more info, please see our Duty of Care Leaflet or see the website.
  3. This list was correct at the time of its creation (updated October 2012.) Southend-on-Sea City Council cannot be responsible for any changes to the company details on this list.

Please note that any report of:

  • business
  • commercial
  • trade waste

That is disposed of at either of Southend's HWRC's, is considered a crime under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The person(s) responsible may be prosecuted and fined up to £50,000 and/or receive a custodial sentence of up to 5 years upon conviction.

For more info about your legal duties, please see the extra pages below and our Duty of Care leaflet.

Contact recycling and waste

Telephone: 01702 215006

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