Secondary school admissions

Secondary school admission 2024 (main round to year 7, all other applications are called 'in-year')

The application window for on time applications was between 1 September 2023 and 31 October 2023 and parents could have applied via our online form which was available during this period. The Secondary Admissions Booklet 2024, which is our composite prospectus can be found on this page.

National Offer day, when all that have applied receive the outcome for their application is 1 March 2024. Parents that applied online will be able to see their outcome from midnight on 1 March 2024 and will also be emailed the offer between 8 and 10am on 1 March 2024. A reminder that your home Local Authority is responsible for providing the outcome to your application and therefore Southend Admissions will be providing the outcome for Southend residents only. If you have questions regarding your offer we would encourage you to read through the frequently asked questions. A reminder that parents are not encouraged to contact the schools as this stage.

Parents without an email address or that are applying late (after 1 November 2023) can apply by emailing to us to request a paper application and email it back to or print and post to us.

Applying for a secondary school during the school year (8 to 11)

A parent can apply for a place for their child at any school, at any time. Applications for a secondary school place outside the normal round of admission are referred to as “In-year Admissions”. Further details are provided on our in-year admission page.

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