Pay your Council Tax

Unconditional Letter of Undertaking

If you are in the process of selling your home and you cannot afford to pay any outstanding Council Tax Bills, the Council may agree to defer the payment. This will be repaid from the proceeds of the sale.

To accept an Unconditional Letter of Undertaking, the Council must be satisfied that:

  • a sale is progressing on your property
  • there is enough equity to cover the outstanding debt from the property sale
  • the property is not your main home (or your request is for the undertaking to cover a prior year debt)

This letter is legal confirmation, that any debt is to be repaid once the property has sold.

Unconditional Letter of Undertaking (Executor of an Estate)

This recovery method is also used when recovering outstanding Council Tax debts from people who have died.

The letter is issued by the solicitor appointed in the sale of the property on behalf of the person in charge of handling the deceased's estate. This is either the:

  • executor
  • administrator

This letter serves as a commitment to the Council to pay the outstanding debt owed from the sale of the property.

It also helps to:

  • ensure the smooth process of the deceased person's Council Tax affair, and
  • streamline the process of handling Council Tax matters during a challenging time
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